Shim Yura is a South Korean immigrants in the United States who decided to perform plastic surgery on his face with the help of a doctor on campus.
Either something is missing with her or not, who wants to change her Shim certainly much prettier than now. He claimed to do so because it is motivated by discrimination that often receives. Always mocked as the ugly all the time, it will bother him psychologically.
Now after plastic surgery done to her face, Shim Yura transformed into the figure of a beautiful woman and touted his face like Jessica Girls Generation.
The story raised some time ago in a program "Let Me In 3". He had plastic surgery because of departs from revenge while still a student at Harvard, Princeton and Columbia.
Intelligence of his brain that was different from his physical appearance at the time. While in America, he was often ridiculed. One day a doctor felt sorry for Shim and offered himself to be a plastic surgery patient in his place.
Yura lhasil new look after too much plastic surgery makes people wonder that he is almost similar to Jessica.
"He's definitely a new lifestyle," comments netter.
"I guess it is not easy to live abused in the country, so it seems he must be grateful to the appearance of it," comments netter others.